Annica and Marie Eklund, Bolon owners and CCO/CEO respectively, will be participating in Design Stories – an upcoming exhibition displayed at the Swedish National Museum in Stockholm between 13 October 2018-17 February 2019.

The Swedish National museum’s upcoming exhibition, Design Stories, is an exhibition which places Swedish contemporary and current creators in the spotlight. Focusing on design where ‘story’ and ‘storytelling’ constitutes the basis of form and expression, Design Stories presents ten selected designers that will be exhibited in the form of objects and short films.

Bolon will both be portrayed through a short film featuring Annica and Marie (see trailer below) as well as through their poufs, rugs and the flooring collection Create, that will be on display during the exhibition.

Those are the participating designers whose objects will be showcased in Design Stories: Iman Aldebe, Bolon (Annica Eklund and Marie Eklund), Front (Anna Lindgren and Sofia Lagerkvist), Monica Förster, Anna Kraitz, Louise Linderoth, Anna von Schewen (also featuring in one project/String with Björn Dahlström), Petra Wadström, Pia Wallén and Ida Wessel. 

Side note: Design Stories is Nationalmuseum’s first exhibition open to the public since its five years of renovation and rebuilding. Apart from showcasing the objects displayed in design stories, masterpieces from six centuries (more than 5,000 artworks) will be displayed in Nationalmuseum’s 150-year-old building. It goes without saying that Nationalmuseum this autum will be well worth a visit.


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